Hi Wil. Building a normal kit has its challenges, but making one damaged/blown up .... and making it convincing, is another ball game. It demands extra work, in both the build-skills and painting departments. Brad has already given some general effects, but itīll all come down to the vehicle you choose and the amount of damage you want to portray.
Getting a good reference image of your subject is step number one. Why guess whatīll happen ..... plus it itīll show you exactly whats needed in the interior. If you got the time, a lot of these details can be scratched, as they dont have to be 100% perfect ... if you got the money ... buy and interior ... but this will still need to be damaged ... alternatively aim for a self propelled gun, where alot of detail is already given(?).
The "panzerwrecks" books are ideal if considering building such (see reviews on here to choose which is the most relevant to your build). They often contain several images of the same panzer ... from different sides. Whatever you choose to do, a wreck will need more planning and thinking than a straight OOB build. Good luck!