Hi Phil
Yes, I know what you mean, but I don't think in some instances it's a colour "match" you get but what each paint manufacturer regards as the right colour if you understand my meaning.
So whilst Panzer Grey etc. may be listed as an equivalent to another colour when you compare the two colours they are different.
I don't find that a problem especially with uniforms as these, it seems with the Germans later on in the war, cloth colours changed due to varying qualities of material, dyes used etc.
There is always debates about what colour is the true colour for this or that.
I also have the list that Andrzej directs you to and its very helpful in giving some variety to the uniforms.
For example I'll use the Vallejo 830 Field Grey for the trousers and the mixture of 830 Field Grey with 868 Dark Sea Green for the tunic, whilst on another use it it the other way round.
As you are aware no doubt because of the transparent nature of Vallejo colours they change with the variation in colour dependant on base coat colour and the number of coats you apply of any one colour.
I tend to use the Calvin Tan style of painting, spraying my models with a black primer, Games Workshop Chaos Black from a can, before dry brushing with Vallejo white to bring out the highlights, and then on with the main colours. It doesn't seem to obscure the detail, but then like all things it's down to how it's applied.
I'd recommend his book (Calvin's) although I don't exactly follow his way, or achieve the results he does !! but it's a good start.
Did you get this set as the Premium Set set or was it the older release ? I understand its just the equipment, weapons that have been upgraded with Gen2 stuff.