I will post here my progress with Bronco models Hotchkiss H39. It was started several months ago, but was on hold due to compressor failure. Just recently I had painted the interior, put on the tracks and put the whole thing together so it could be painted.
It is a nice kit, some areas take care during assembly, like putting the tracks around the sprockets (going around the sprocket link by link, top to bottom gives best results and easiest fit) and I modified some details per photos. Its been an enjoyable build nonetheless and now awaits painting (I will post progress on that in this thread). BTW, best online reference on the subject is this: Hotchkiss H39 @ Chars francais

First step : suspension stations assembly, an ok fit but the upper joining stubs are to short on most parts and need to be extended with evergreen (you get the springs in the box)

Gun and breech assembly: no problems here just some ejector marks, turned barrel is box stock

Turret interior: simplified, I only deleted locating tabs on the vision port plates, all interior goes OOB in this one

Major interior components, to be put together after painting.

Painted engine, only item added in the interior: the belt ( it won't be even visible after engine hatch will be closed)

Interior painted and weathered, went a bit overboard with weathering, though again most of it would not be seen again after hull assembly

Whole thing together: hull/ final transmission armor parting line had to be repositioned some 2.5 mm to the rear. Previous line was filled with stretched sprue and sanded smooth, after tracing new line, cast texture was added using liquid styrene glue technique. This also involved moving fender supports 2.5 mm to the back. I also added plastic bolt heads to pickaxe brackets.

Muffler was completely redone using kits part body as a base. Stowage tray on the trench crossing device had its sides cut down by about 2.5 mm to match its appearance in the photos.
