The bar armor in the above link is not the same as in the Academy kit. Many of the M113s are mislabeled (wrong name/nomenclature) at the above link as well.
The Academy kit represents a vehicle in OIF 1 with side storage racks. The racks were only used by 2nd BDE, 3ID in the initial invasion phase of OIF 1. The vehicles that had them were drawn from PrePo stocks in Kuwait and the racks had been locally made there. 2BDE, 3ID Bradleys also had the side racks and smaller jerry can racks. Their M1A1s had the square Bustle Rack Extension (BRE) baskets and the jerry can racks (as in the DML M1A1 AIM kit) too.
Here is a pic showing them on an M113A2.

The Academy racks are too tall though. As you can see above, the racks should only have 4 bars (including the bottom rail). Also, the bottoms on the Academy ones are a flat plate. The actual ones had bars on the bottom as well. I plan on cutting the top bars off and replacing the bottom plate with them.