I finished building and priming AFV's M1130 Stryker TACV, out of the box. I was looking at some photos taken from Prime Portal.
First: I noticed that there are a lot of strings used to keep the stowage in place.
I'm not going to add stowage on my model, as I just don't want to spend money for resin sets, which I'm not very familiar with, but I would like to be a bit more accurate. I've seen a lot of triangular spare PE parts which seem quite suitable to attach the strings, but how can I make them, at least for the jerry cans and the pioneer tools? How did you make yours (I've seen many modellers did)?
Second: always looking at the photos, it seems that there is an Olive Drab strip running all around the model. Is it common on every Stryker? I thought to represent it just by painting it with Olive Drab instead of NATO Green. What do you think?
Third: wheel access rings. my references show them attached (at least on the TACV version) only on the front left wheel, close to the driver's big hatch. Again, are the rings compulsory on ALL the wheels or does it depend on operational/maintenance reasons?
Fifth: smoke generators on the RWS. I still have to install the "cartridges". The instructions show that they could as well not be installed. Is the shape of the launchers provided correct or shall I add the cartridges too?
Sixth: long antenna on the left side. The drawings on the box show it attached to the fuselage with a cable. Where is the cable fixed? And how does the joint with the antenna look like? And where do the cables at its base end up? Do they go to the UHF coupler on the left side?
Seventh: Blue Force Tracker. The box provides it in resin, a material I never worked with. I manage to break a small corner section while cleaning it. Is it common to all the Stryker TACVs? Also: there is a photo of the tracker on Prime Portal, showing a couple of cables starting from it. Where do they end up? Other sub-question: the instructions say to paint it in yellow, but WHICH yellow?
Eigth: periscopes. Unfortunately, I closed the vehicle before adding the ones underneath the RWS, and I also primed them. I was planning to paint them black and add some clear plastic sheet once dry. Is it correct to paint ALL the periscopes (also those of the driver's hatch) in clear red or do they feature different red-blue-purple shades?
Nineth: there is a vnil part in the kit, and it' used to represent the cover to the closing device on the driver's hatch. I already attached it and not primed. Which colour? Olive Drab or black?
In the end... a small request: has anyone got the famous water and soda boxes by Gino Quintiliani?
I think it's all for now... If something springs to my mind I'll post it!
Thanks for any answer!