The kit is the 1/35th scale Tamiya M1046 TOW Missle Carrier and was built straight out-of-box. The kit went to together flawlessly. Overall I was extremely happy with the quality of the kit. The only strike that I would give the kit is the omission of the proper SINCGARs radio. The kit has an obsolete/incorrect PRC-77 (vehicle mounted) radio.
The interior was painted with Model Master Medium Green and the exterior was painted with Model Master Armor Sand. The wash was done with raw umber oil paint thinned with turpenoid. Mig powder was used for the "dusting". I wasn't too happy with the wash however. I feel the wash around the bolt heads on the doors and other places appears to heavy. I was not able to get the "subtle" effect that I was looking for. It seemed to be either a heavily weathered appearance, or a lightly weathered almost clean effect. I couldn't get anything to settle around the bolt heads without putting the wash on a heavier. So, I went with the heavily weathered appearance.
I served with the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment in southern Iraq in 2004 so choosing the markings for the 2nd ACR was an easy choice for me. On the base (not attached yet) is one of my desert bdu combat patches from the 2nd ACR.
I hope to hear some thoughts/opinions (good or bad).