Can any of our incredibly smart, attractive, and altruistic Stryker experts here key me on on what numbering to put on the nose, etc. in order to make mine be a Ft. Lewis assigned Stryker?
A photo I took almost 5 years ago at the McChord air show of a Stryker on display shows the following on its nose :
left side: 2I-5-20I right side : A-31
Now it was in front of a big banner reading "Stryker Brigade Combat Team I Corps and Ft. Lewis" so I am assuming this was a Ft. Lewis critter - but I want to make sure the numbering is up-to-date?
Sadly, I had no idea I'd ever have a kit of this, so didn't take the usual gazillions of photos I would take had I expected to build one.

Thanks in advance!