I've been working on this big guy for a while now, and posting it on my usual haunts, and decided I wanted to post it here, so I'll just copy what I've posted elsewhere:
Been working on my birthday present since I got back from school at the beginning of the month... finally have something painted to show for it. This is the engine and transmission compartment all finished... included are a few pics of what will be visible once the model is fully assembled thru the hatches unless I cut up a few more panels, which I probably wont do... notice the brass hatches I made for the engine hatch... those took about four tries to not screw up and make workable and durable.

Alright... new pics. Here's the fighting compartment complete... last is the turret interior, and then I close'er up and move onto exterior assembly.

Working on the exterior now... the markings are of no particular unit, based on a variety of images I found and my decision to change from a whitewash to something with white recognition stripes and messy hand-painted numbers...
So far it's received some pigment and oil washes on the running gear, and oil-dot filteirng on the whole thing which, like most good initial treatments has been mostly covered up by subsequent layers of work. I also did some very light drybrushing on the hull to accentuate the cast textures, and did the initial chipping work. It's a boring design in boring green, so I'm spending my time on serious surface color variation and weathering... both the hull and running gear have a long way to go, including lots more oil and pigment applications, and painting the tracks, neatening up the chipping, and adding rust streaking.