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The pulley and belt looks like it is used to aim the blower. I'm guessing it would be for blowing loose dirt/debris away from a suspected IED.
That makes sense ! Thanks for your input.
EDIT: it's one of the industrial leaf blowers made by Buffalo Turbine ."Buffalo Turbine, a Springville, New York firm, produces a vehicle-mounted blower (aptly named the Cyclone) that can direct a powerful blast of air at roadside trash piles and other suspicious debris. Powered by Kohler engines (built in Wisconsin), the Cyclone can generate a hurricane-force torrent of air, reaching speeds of 180 mph. That force is more than sufficient to blow away trash or debris hiding IEDs, and sometimes, actually detonate the device. According to the manufacturer, the Cyclone has uncovered "dozens" of IEDs in Iraq. The military has over 100 of the blowers in service and more are on the way. Countless lives have been saved by the Cyclone, and no soldiers have been injured while using the device. In fact, the vehicle-mounted blower has been so effective that Cyclones now lead many convoys in Iraq."
Just found another picture :
