You have good modelling skills. I like the apearance overall. However, being in the military, you have accuracy issues that jump out at me immediately.
1. Your black straps that you show holding the stowage in place......There isn't anything like that in use. If you can show me a picture, I will give you sincere apologies.
2. Straps on the cots, bags and rucksacks should be the same color as the item they are attached to. For example, the straps on the rucks should be green just like the main body of the rucksack. The straps on the military issue cots should be green, they are the same color as the canvas. The buckles on the rucksack straps should be black and not silver. One of the bags you have on top is a modular sleep system carrier. It should be black with black straps.
3. The two "gas" cans that you have on the back rack represent the old metal cans that were in use up to the 70's and early 80's. All fuel cans now are plastic and come in one of 3 colors (sand, green or black dictated by the NSN the supply sergeant orders or the vehicle is fielded with).
4. My fourth point of concern is your CIP panel. If a vehicle had them, you would not see them loosely strapped to the side as you have depicted. I'm not saying that it wouldn't happen but in a Stryker BCT, this would not be an acceptable practice. Also, I have never seen a US CIP with white vanes. I've only seen British CIP's with white vanes. Again, I could be wrong. If so, I am sorry.
Please don't take my points of discussion as a personal afront.

They are not meant to be a negative thing. I'm only trying to point out accuracy issues that you can easily change to make your otherwise excellent model more accurate.