Well you are the Heavy...I was more light.
You are correct in that the M102 was pulled by a HMMWV but yes it was also pulled by the M35A2. And in an early life by the goat.
The M102 shown is the later with roll cage installed (early field mod by 82 ABN which Army adopted in 1989) and during ODS the only unit that deployed an M102 was the 101AA Div. They used the M998 to move the M102. But thier M102 with the cage was painted Nato tri-color camo.
Near the end of the M102 service (1980s/90s) it was deployed with the following 101AA and 82ABN divisions which used Gamma Goats and then HMMWV as a prime mover, 10 MTN div, I think HMMWV but also some M35A2, 187BDE, and 1 NG BDE, both used M35A2 as prime movers.
I don't think the M102 was all green since VN.
But with all that said, it is a nice clean build.
Here is my version painted circa 1980s...with 187 BDE markings

Rounds Complete!!