A Great diorama there ,I really like the way you paint faces very good and realistic.
Quoted Text
However, I have two issues that bothers my eye.
What happend to the tracks ? How did they get removed from under the tank ?
The tank could not have ended in that position without having gone under the tree, which would have caused the lower branches to break off. The K-2 is taller than the lower branches so it could not have gone under the tree without leaving the tree damaged.
Clearly as far as I am concerned the tank was not destroyed here but subsequently moved to current location earlier in the campaign , hence I would argue that I was pushed in to its current position backward , therefore not damaging the tree. when this vehicle was moved off the road the engineers responsible cannibalised the tracks . This is mealy my interpretation of a very nice piece of work.
On point thought the photography as an waffen SS eagle on his sleeve , which should not be there on a Wehrmacht uniform .
Thanks for posting the pictures
Best wishes,