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I'm guessing since the Pennslyvania NG Stryker Brigade was called up, they'll be taking theirs with them. Jeff
Someone correct me if I am wrong but I believe it is DoD policy for units to fall in on equipment already in theater.
Yep your wrong. my current assignment is training up the 56th SBCT PANG. currently we are training them here is Mississippi for AT. they are putting SLAT armor on as the units leave. later in the year we will hett the strykers with slat to their MRX at fort polk then drive them to beumont to load the ships slat and all.
i think this is correct, sicne we have guys from each rotation here with me it will be straight in the morning.
2003-2004 3/2 SBCT brought strykers (3/2 picked up 1/25 strykers at FLW)
2004-2005 1/25 SBCT fell in on 3/2 strykers and brought them back
2005-2006 172 SBCT brought their strykers and took them back to alaska
2006-2007 3/2 SBCT brought their strykers and brought them back
2007-2008 4/2 SBCT brought their strykers and brought them back
2007- 2/25 SBCT brought their strykers from hawaii and will ship them back to FLW
2007- 2 CR brought their strykers and plan to bring them back to germany
2008- 1/25, 5/2, 56th SBCT will take and bring them back tentatively
talking with a MGS platoon sergeant friend of mine said alot of the issues were fixed, that the use of the MGS was limited by the environment the parent unit was in. same thing with the MK-19 being stored in the arms room. it came down to collateral damage. the MGS's in the north are being used quite effectively. btw, should have close to a 150 gigs of pics for you when i get back in a couple weeks.