Here's a good rust tip. Take a large jam jar. Place a quantity of steel wool in the jar and cover it with water. Place the jar in a sunny window. As the steel wool rusts, keep adding water. Once enough steel wool has rusted, give the jar a good stir, and mush up the steel wool. Discard any left over wool. Allow the jar to sit in the sun again. After all the sediment has stettled, tip away the remaining water. Once the last bit of water has evaporated, you can scrape the bottom of the jar and recover the iron oxide. Crush to a fine powder. You can mix the powder with some rubbing alcohol or even solvent and paint it on your vehicle. Voila... real rust.
You could also go to a craft store and pay for a rust kit. Here in Canada I can get it for $17.00 or about 8 pounds.
For the propaganda, you can make your own decals and apply them to your buildings.
A long explanation, but I think you will get the idea. Conversly, if you have some rust about the yard, scrape it off and crush it down.