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You can still use them on a Humvee, just not one of the latest ones. I believe they were deemed dangerous as they had a tendency to burst or something?
No, the US Army has banned them from use on US Army vehicles. Period, end of discussion.
They can still be found in pictures because they were unauthorized but used (due to shortages in standard tire supplies). Technically, they are supposed to be pulled off any vehicle they are found on and replaced with standard tires. But with a war going on with HMMWVs being damaged or destroyed, it is unlikely that a commander would pull a Super Swamper tired HMMWV off the line just because of the type of tires it has on. But that's the unit commander's call, he has the authority unless that was decision was previously made by his higher commander. He would also pay the price if an incident occurred because of the use of unauthorized tires.
They could also be found on other nation's or organization's HMMWVs (USAF, USMC).