I can't put my hand on measurements at the moment. Sorry. However, I do believe that the MP turret and the new Formations turret are more accurate looking. The Dragon/DML turret is too flat and wide. I've built all three. In 1/35th, minute differences are not noticeable, even between parts from different boxes of the same kit. Styrene shrinks within variable tolerances.
Now, keep in mind that I confessed a long time ago, in other forums and at AMPS presentations, that the MP kit was done by photo interpretation alone. Back in 1987-88, we had only photos from Budge, and an article by my friend Vasko Barbic, to work with. I think it turned out fairly decent and it holds up today, except there is an error with the gunner sight, which should be the earlier flat style. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa! :-) That's Latin for "my fault". It's easily fixed, plus the front and rear extensions graft very nicely onto any one of several kit turrets.
With that said, thank you for the kind words. If Bill and I could only do MP Models now, with all of the knowledge gained since then.