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I will qualify it furthen by saying not normally, not on the active side anyways. If they do, it is because of personal preferance. You are supplied the gear, if you want something more or different, its up to you to get it, but you are not required to.
i am active duty and never used my MOLLE gear in country in 3 rotations, we brought our molle gear but prefered to use after market stuff. there were kids who used some of their molle stuff, but what the brigade didnt buy from Tactical Tailor or Blackhawk each of us did. i think the only thing Issued we used was the ruck and assault pack. Many of us used the larger camelback mule systems for operations also.
in regards to the alice equipment, for the scout and sniper teams i ran we used the large/medium alice pack over the MOLLE gear until we started getting the TT 3day assault pack for ops.
in each of the SBCT's i have been in, the standing order has been wear your gear how you fight it. not the traditional cold war crap of a standard uniform with 2 ammo pouches over your thighs, 2 canteens and first aid pouch on your right shoulder. there was a platoon from A Co. 1/5 that racked their M-4's and used M-14's. you always knew when they were in a firefight by the sound.
which in many ways makes modelling this era of war a bit tough as there is really no standard SOP for antyhing with the exception of load simple load plans.
talking with friends in tank battalions it was a little more strict, but in the SBCT's it wasnt. we stripped benches from ICV's to put into our RV's. we took out LRAS mounts to make more space. we stripped out NBC sysytems or readjsuted them on the modular mounting bracket rails inside to make more room.
this again adds to the complexity of modelling this era