We have great pleasure in announcing another Feature Writing Competition, giving you an opportunity to show your writing, as well as your modelling skills, and be in with a change to win some fantastic prizes in the process. The rules are pretty simple, if you submit a feature article that conforms to the competition rules, your article will be judged by a team of Staff members, and the winners will win some very nice prizes. All features will be published, so even if you don't win, your efforts will not be in vain.
The competition will run until the 31st of October, after which a select group of Staff Members ( if suitably recovered from the Oktoberfest..) will judge the eligible entries. The results will be announced shortly thereafter.
We have three model shops who have generously offered to sponsor this competition with some quality prizes.
Halifax Modellers World have kindly agreed to sponsor the first prize. The winner will have the option to choose from this very fine selection, a model of his/her own preference.
- 1 of Trumpeter’s 1/16th T34 range
- Or
- Bronco’s Land Wasser Schlepper
- Or
- Tamiya’s Famo wagon and Trailer
- Or
- AFV Centurion with Friulmodel Metal tracks, AM barrel, and mantlet

Salisbury Model Centre will provide a choice of 2nd prize.
- Amoured vehicle model up to a value of £30
- Or
- 3 to 4 of DML’s 1/72nd scale vehicles

The Gas Cupboard will provide a 3rd prize.
A boxed set of 16 Vallejo paints (German WW II colours)
The rules for this competition are pretty simple.
1. The feature may involve any model, brand, or scale.
2. The competition is for boxed models only, not for scratch build subjects. This is to keep a level playing field. Some minor scratch building to improve/correct the kit is allowed. A separate competition for scratch build subjects and major conversions is envisaged at a future date.
3. The feature must include an introduction to the subject, this need not be a historical thesis, but an introduction to the subject, and the model kit (and any possible aftermarket items) that you are using.
4. A description of the build, and paint process.
5. Photos, preferably of every step. If you can re-size your photos to 800x600 pixels, by all means do so. If you can't, don't worry, we will do it.
6. Remember, photos shot with a single colour back ground work best. Whilst in-progress photos taken on the work bench have a certain 'atmosphere', the photos of the finished model should have a clean back ground.
7. No minimum word count perse, but we are looking for more than a quick write-up of how you build a model.
8. This competition runs until the 31st of October 2008. All features that are submitted until that time are considered eligible for the competition. Features will be published in the mean time, but as the voting will be done by a Staff committee after the closing date, this will not influence the result.
9. The competition is open to all, except Kitmaker Staff members.
10. Multiple entries are allowed, but only one prize per entrant can be won.
11. The Editors decision is final.
Good luck, and we are looking forward to your entries.
The Armorama Features Staff