This is a very interesting and welcome set.
One or two minor issues: whilst the inclusion of the Independant Parachute Brigade option is very welcome, Tristar only include the National insignia (the Orzel) - there are no rank insignia; not a big deal as these can easily be painted on - just don't use the Commonwealth rank or jump qualification insignia on a Polish fig. Regretably, the Orzel decal is in white - it should be in the mustard yellow gas detector paint colour. Again no big deal as it can be painted more realistically freehand.
A more serious issue (it's pretty relative - we're talking model figs here

) is the representation of the smock. It would appear from the artwork (in particular) that Tristar have used a later pattern smock as the prototype for the figs (a very easy mistake to make) - the biggest issues with this are:
a) it appears to have a full length zip - something that only appeared on post-war manufactured examples, or on the rarer wartime tailored (usually the exclsuive preserve of Officers - who could afford the modification),
b) equally the use of knitted cuffs; whilst their addition was not uncommon during wartime - they were an addition to the smock, either at coy or individual level. It wasn't until the 1950s that the smock was manufacturered complete with knitted cuff, and
c) wartime smocks were characteristically oversize in appearance, many reaching down to the individual's knees. Remember the originals were worn over BD and were intended to be worn over over other kit (webbing) during the jump. The Tristar smocks appear a bit too tailored (IE better fitting) - having more of a similarity to the later 50s pattern smocks than the wartime patterns.
However, on balance I don't think that these detail uniform issues are going to be too big a deal in this scale. All in all a very welcome release.