thank's for the great feedback men
the figure did not come out as good as i had wanted it to. basically it's a verlinden peice and the sculpting of the face is not good at i did my best useing oil's for the face and arms and vallejo acrylics for the uniform.german grey lightened with some white and darker for the creases.
as for the zimmerit i glued it to the model using a two part epoxy glue (araldite) but it did not adhear to well round the i flowed in a little bit of thin super glue and it worked. but i missed a couple of places and decided to try and chip the zimm but it only wanted to break at its weakest point and that is why it looks a little bit to anguler.
the chips are painted in a light grey because the book by mig jiminez (FAQ) says so and who am i to argue with him !!!!!!
i do not really feal confidant enough to weather my models any more than i do at the moment although i do try to make them look a bit muddy and chipped some people like heavy weathering & some dont its just that my modelling skills are not really at that level yet.
thanks alot for all the comments