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Info is already out there on the "device".
It took me about 5 minutes of internet searching to find info on it.....including an image of the device mount, the internal display, and I think I even found the patent for the mounting bracket.
Now, I do respect OPSEC so if you want info you will have to find the info and links yourself.
I don't spend a lot of time researching things on the net, especially things with which I'm familiar, I didn't know if there was information out there or not, hence my comment. Since it IS out there, fine, everyone can read it to their heart's content.
The thing about OPSEC is this: It's not always the fact that everyone knows something is out there. Most folks know Thermal Imaging technology exists, and how it works. It doesn't necessarily mean I want everyone to know who uses it. A lot of "innocent" knowledge helps an adversary better prepare himself and even implement ways of defetaing those technologies. Case in ppoint: The Rhino, which has now been rendered all but useless. Was it due to some dude posting it's dimensions and the particulars of it's function on the net? More than likely no, but why take a chance?
Here's a scenario I hope at least a couple of you can identify with: You're going out on a hit.
Your opposition knows your routes, your TTP's, your weapons, even your night vision capabilities. In some scanarios, that's a recipe for disaster. In others, not so much so. Personally, I want my adversary to know I'm not coming light...
'Nuff said on that. It's out there, now you know what it does. simply said I'm not supplying it unless I know it' out there.