Thanks for the replies and thoughts.
My own general view was that because these vehicles were highly modified that I could basically term them as a "hybrid" and not lose sleep over it.
Just thought I'd ask those more in the know, no doubt if I do start this project some anorak will rear their ugly head and state it's actually version XY because this bolt is there etc etc (you know the story)

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Notice the front bumper, upside-down?
The bumper is upside-down otherwise it would interfere with the pump inlet coupling
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....and AFAIK, IHC half-tracks M5 and M9 have flat front fenders ...
also they used banjo-type front axles (as seen in Frenchy's photo) vs split-type and also had rounded rear corners (N/A in my pics and not clearly obvious in Frenchy's).
See I did learn something during my research

Thanks again for the input