Not much done this week but building the HUW got me back on track with the trucks and I decided to try and get my Bedfords loaded up. These are 2 trucks I built some time ago but didn't have any suitable loads and in honesty just getting them built was an achievement.
For the Bedford QLD GS I have the following items for the load and have also finally gotten around to start making a driver and co driver for the truck
This will be the RQMS's truck with clothing and general stores plpus maybe a water trailor, it is the truck that will be loading onto the LCM3.

The 2nd vehicle that will be parked up is the Bedford QLD GS (Special) and will be the MT Sgt's Bedford and loaded with MT like things. The Special, should really be an ammo truck but........
the load

The decals finally on

I've rolled the tarp back here for the pic

but it will be like this when finished

Additional 'mechanical' items will join the load in the form of gas cylinders and general stuff form the old Italeri workshop kit.
Some other stuff I've been doing a little work on are the Accurate Amour crates which as you will see are VERY big lol, lol. These are for the goods wagons and general pier stuff. Still a long ways to go with these yet. The smaller lol, lol 3 styles open up and can be filled with stores and equipment!!!

In an ideal world I would have made the loads and driver at the time but, lack of cash, suitable loads and life got in the way.