Hi Darryl,
Yip, cost of resin isn't cheap. When I first started to build again, the thought of paying £7.00 to £10.00 for a figure really did my head in lol, lol. Wanting to model British/Commonwealths kits though sooner or later draws you into the resin world as the choice in plastic although growing steadily is still fairly limited.
This will only be my second full resin build. The first was the Tilly, which is a great kit to build.
If all goes well, then I'm saving for the QLR for a Christmas present. I kinda got hooked on the carriers though and have a couple more to build. It was such a widely used vehicle, in so many roles I could never understand why no one other than Tamiya took it on, but then the same could be said about the Churchill until AFV Club announced their Mk III.