I have built a HobbyBoss Leo 2A5/6NL, it is basically the same as the German ones. They are not that much better than their inital releases, the Strv.122 and Leopard 2A5DK. They have the same hull with the doggy crack at the anti-slip panels. If you are prepared to spend a bit of time bringing it up to scratch then it is worth it. Otherwise if you want it to be nearly perfect just building it out of the box, I'd get the Tamiya Leopard 2A5/6, If you want an A5 then don't buy the A6, even though both barrels are provided. If you get the Tamiya kits, I swear, get the photo etch set, the plastic mesh is a pain in the arse when you are trying to cut it out and make the turret buckets.
May be 13, but know a lot!
"Slagkraften hos ett stridsvagnkompani
är oerhörd och med rätt träning näst intill
Wartofta Kompani, P4 Skövde, 2006