Basically it is the germans are on a small road (in a marder iii) when their attention is pointed to a dead airborne trooper hanging from a tree. That is when the other airborne troopers hiding in the shadows behind some thick brush will make their attack.
My reasoning behind using airborne troops, was because i am planning on this being in the middle of no-where france sometime around D-Day.
My thoughts behind using a marder iii, is because i definitely wanted some kind of a vehicle, and i thought since the marder has an open back, that the US would have a chance to get them once they passed. obviously if it was a tank, the US airborne troops would have just let it pass.
Here is a disgustingly crude picture of my idea. i dont want to spend a ton of time drawing it, when i could use that time to build it. I am figuring it will be very small since the marder is a very small model (maybe 6 inches long), the road will be probably 10 inches or so. Nothing too huge. i am thinking it might be 10 inches by 10 inches (or whatever size wood i can find that is close to that size)
Please let me know what you think.