I can't help but feeling dumb when asking this, but how can I get good gloss coats with an airbrush?
Instead of brushing on a couple of coats of future prior to decaling, I decided to try airbrushing on my latests build. No luck with that so far.
As I've used mainly future for my gloss coats, I loaded that to my airbrush first. It goes on well, but doesn't build a gloss coat, more like a satin semi-gloss with a slightly pebbly look to it.
After doing some research and finding out that getting that pebbly finish isn't that unusual with Future, I tried Microscale's gloss. Ran into the same problem with that, the coats I get are nowhere near as gloss I'd like them to be.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a specific technique for achieving the high gloss needed for decals? I think I might not be laying down a coat heavy enough, but blasting away with a higher paintflow gives me the creeps about flooding the surface of the model, resulting in runs and other nasty results.
Future I airbrushed straight from the bottle, trying out pressures between 10 and 20 psi. Microscale's gloss I thinned 50/50 with distilled water and sprayed at around 15 psi.
Any tips and pointers are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance