This is my first attempt at an armor piece. This model was built about 3 years ago now. It was not a fun build as I managed to lose the turret end piece and the tracks gave me fits beyond belief. I'm also not happy with the weathering I did on the MBT either. As y'all can see, I have a VERY long way to go before my work looks as good as the work posted here. Anyways, any input on what I can do to enhance my skills, especially weathering, would be greatly appreciated.
"God grants liberty to those who love it, and are ready to guard and defend it." - Daniel Webster
Well, the first thing is that the weathering is way too excessive. I don't think that a modern vehicle would have that much rust on it. Other than that, look around the site for a lot of tips and tricks.
You might think he loves you for your money
But I know what he really loves you for
It's your brand new leopard-skin pill-box hat