The idea revolves around a personal experience I had while in USMC Infantry School involving a LAV and a not-so-aware private in my Company. Funny story too, we were training on embarking/debarking LAV's and normally there are just wooden ones to train with, but we were lucky enough to be training with the real thing. They would take 4 or 5 of us for a ride and we would get out, form a defensive perimeter, and then get back in. Rinse, repeat. Well on my turn, there was a guy with us who was the tall, gangly type, and he usually had alot of trouble fitting into the neat tidy Marine Corps spaces. His name was Craig Johnson from Minnesota. I remember him well because we used to have football arguments. So we all get out and form our perimeter blah blah, get in line to get back in and he is the first to go.The instructor, Sgt. Avery, gave us the typical "get on my friggin vehicle!!" and Johnson headed for the hatch. Fortunately for me I gave Johnson some room because he did not duck far enough to get his head in when he thrust himself towards the hatch and he hit his helmet on the underside of the hatch outline and basically knocked himself out, fell backwards lifelessly and landed on the deck with a resounding whump. It only took him a few seconds to regain consciousness but Sgt. Avery had him lay down and wait for a corpsman.The rest of us were practically hysterical with laughter, including the stoic Sgt., who stood up promptly and commented, "Gents, that's what called a 'peacetime engagement'. Unfortunately for Johnson his head lost that one. Do not hurl yourselves at hardened steel, gents, I can't graduate you from a sick bay." Something like that with more of the typical Marine Corps sarcasm thrown in.
What I'd like to do is get that moment right after Johnson hits his head on the hatch opening as the instructor is ordering us in. I realize it may be difficult to get the proper action pose from the figure, but I'm willing to take it slow and get it right.
I made up a crude layout:

The big round green thing is a tree, I thought I might have the LAV driver cleaning out some broken tree from the stowage.
I was thinking of doing the Trumpeter LAV-25 kit, I have some left over figures from awhile back that have the proper gear (h-harness), and I was going to get the resin upgrade kit for the LAV by AEF unless that's not a good idea. I'm stuck on the wheels though, I'd like to get a good set of wheels but it seems there's a few options out there and I'd like to get the best one.
Any ideas are welcome and even anticipated.