this is my first topic here. I had built just a few kits before, not very happy with them anyway, and my last one, 1/35 BR 52 from Trumpeter, which is a bit better, but there is still too much to be done to get good looking kit. I would welcome any comments, ideas, whatever to get better results. I have glued most thing so far, and after more details a want to start with painting. But this is another problem, I cannot find any suitable pictures of lws interior, and the painting scheme from Bronco is not very good to advice colors used inside the cabin. Anybody can help, please?
At the end sorry for my English, I have been living in Ireland since 2004, but came here from Czech with very few words known, so I can still make many funny mistakes.

Yeah, If you wanna see the kits I made before, just visit my website just opened a couple months ago. All sections there are writen in both, English and Czech, there is many pictures of my work and all done things in the gallery.
Here is a link: