Why not try 1 bottle of humbrol enamel thinner as your medium for washes. Works well with both oilsa and enamels. i have been using this for 2 years now and never had a problem. I have washed over humbrol and model master enamels, various oils and tamiya acrylic and have never used a clear coat or future or anything else. But one thing I do belive in is, giving the paint time to dry properly before adding the wash ........ 72 hours to be sure. If you have problems after this with humbrol, you are one unlucky chap. Dont worry about the long waiting time ..... thats why i have several projects on the go at the same time so i can have something to do while I am waiting! I have used white spirit and turpenoid as thinners before without lifting problems, but they dont give the results of humbrol. It might be that bit more expensive but its worth it. No worrys and no mess-ups is worth the bit extra!!
Something that alot of people use is balsamic turps..... supposed to be very good ...I havent tried it though. Available from good craft stores or art supply shops!!
Good luck