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Washington, United States
Joined: February 07, 2002
KitMaker: 498 posts
Armorama: 193 posts
Posted: Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 03:05 AM UTC
I am building a couple Shermans and have two sets of Single Link Tracks. One from RHPS and the other I bought back in 97 in Germany. I purchased it cause it had the extended end connectors "Duck Bills" and thought it would look good, also they were on sale. I didn't think to check, or really didn't know what I was looking at, but there were no end connectors to put the track together. Got the Blocks and Duck Bills but no way to join them. Aside from ordering a whole new set of tracks I am wondering if any of you "Old Salts" has a set of end connectors that you'd be willing to part with. I'll pay for them and shipping too!