As the conflicts in SW Asia wind down (sorta) I have a desire, as I'm sure many others do too, to build some dioramas depicting the actions in the area. Modern US/ex-Warsaw Pact/ Iraqi MILITARY vehicles abound (well, not really abound but they are out there) but so often you have seen "civilian" vehicles involved in these modern conflicts. Be they "technicals" or innocent bystanders they are a real and significant part of the "landscape" of modern conflict. Yet NO ONE that I am aware of makes any kits in this range!!!
Does anyone else have a desire to see some of these kits??
I'd be the first in line to buy a kit of this type...Desert Storm, Somalia, Afghanistan, OIF, the Balkans (I know not SW Asia) all have civilian vehicles as a part of the landscape!
Well, does anyone else have this same kit desire??