Thanks James and Steve.
James thanks for your encouragement. The majority of my vignettes and dioramas, planned and started, include civilians doing everyday things. Example of an idea in 1/35th - kid using slinshot/catapult, breaks headlight of car, mechanic crouched down looking at the damage, concerned civy looking on, infantry officer [maybe converted to a Gendarme] tearing a strip off the boy yelling at him, driver of a Somua looking on plus of course the half-track and Citreon car would be there as well. Mk 35, Azimut/ADV, Des and Matchbox items.
Steve what you say could well be. Maybe I will have to model it with a couple of planes flying past. LOL. I don't see myself modelling a church to go with it. And as you say, maybe a bit more research would not go astray.
Actually I am not worried about it being 100% accurate as I am trying to create atmosphere rather than much else. Living in the bottom of the South Pacific I only have access to internet and books. Mr Murphy and his law indicate that things do vary.
Hence I rely on the collective wisdom of this site and in particular people like 'ya all' that post a response - for example the post in this thread by Piero which mentions the commonality of the sculpture in parks, town squares etc.
The sculpture reminds me of stuff that I have seen in the local cemeteries which dates from 1850ish to date. A Victorian resurgence of things renaissance.