here's a few pictures of my latest build dragon model's 1/35 tiger 1 late production.
i have added the atak resin damaged zimmerit set SE35-01 also a set of friulmodel tracks ATL-06 were added.i replaced the kit supplied tool clamps and exhaust shield's with aber items.the towing cable is made from 1.1mm karaya soft copper cable,hence there only being one its cheaper that way !! the spare track pins come from adlers nest and there is various photo etched parts that come from my stash.
the hull, turret & tracks were all primed with halford's automotive grey primer this brings the model together in one uniform colour.
base coat is vallejo model air sand yellow 028 next came vallejo model air dark green 012 and the last of the three tone camo comes from tamiya XF-68 nato brown.
the tracks were painted with vallejo panzer aces tracks primer 304 and then given a very thick wash with mig pigments consisting of dark mud p033 dry mud p232 and lastly gluf war sand p037 once dry the exces was rubbed of with a No 1 index finger lastly the tops of the tracks were rubbed over with a graphite pencil.
the running gear hull and turret all received a wash/filter of mig's excellant wash brown oil paint then once that had dried some more localised pin washes were used consisting of mig industrial earth oil paint with a little black oil to darken it down.the model then got attacked with the same pigments that i used on the tracks but in varying quantities and only dry brushed this time.
i hope that you enjoy my pictures........