This is DML'S Panther-D w/zimm,It was an easy kit to build.Overall I was pretty happy with the outcome. I did have some issues,I'm not real good at the real small PE so I only used the screens and some stuff I could handle.Also I think Icould have lightened my colors,because the filters and washes darkened the colors somewhat.I also accidently installed the gun mantlet backwards.But otherwise I had a real good time doing this one.The much-maligned DS-Tracks were not bad for me,I prefer Friuls but who wants to add $40.00 to every job,but these painted and weathered and installed well enough for my liking.This was also my first real attempt at figures,they were ok to work on,I used Vallego paints and Mig pigments.The uniforms and equipment came out ok but the faces were tough.My hats off to you guys who paint facial expressions.But at any rate here it is,and any comments welcome.