I'm back. Got the Legends set and went right to work. I forgot to grab a couple of shots of the stuff straight out of the book. Having said that, I will give my opinion here. The resin pieces, mainly the three baskets, come with the usual large Legends block to be removed. It wasn't too hard on the two hull baskets, but the one on the turret basket gave me a little trouble. Looking back, I think if you left off the rear plate of the turret, the basket would fit in there just fine without removing any of the block. As it was, after removing the block from mine, I had to correct for some of the over removal with sheet styrene and putty. The detail of the parts is really nice. I like the look they give. I will be using these on my next Mk IV as well.
Anyway, on to the pics I have taken.

Legends put a large "L" and "R" on the bottom of the hull baskets to help identify. I filled these with putty.

A shot showing the baskets on the tank

And a close up of the baskets

Here is whats left in the box. There is a little kit roll, a couple of antennas and the ball and chain armor. There are also three placard holders for the sides of the turret basket.

All in all I am happy with the set. Again, I like the used lived in look. After I finish assembling the right side track it will be ready for the paint. I hope to have this finished before next Saturday for the show in Tulsa, Ok.