My next AFV blog beside my Railcar is the weird colossus Minenräumer from RPM in 1/35.
After I saw the faboulus build from Chema Cabrero I had absolutly to build one of these monsters

So lets start:
After separating the hull parts from the sprues I noticed that it won't be easy, because the fitting is absolutly bad.

I had to bend the parts and hold them till the glue had dried. Putty and sanding were absolutly necessary like you see on the pics.

The hull walls were so bevel, that i used sprues to make them straight.

What was RPM thinking with the hatch on the top? It absolutly won't fit, but with cutting, sanding and putty it is ok.

Very time consuming to build such a bad kit but I got very ambitious to get something good out of it. And it is a really good exercise for puttying straightening and so on...
Next will be more sanding, puttying and so on. And I'll try self-made weld beads.
Good and bad comments like always very welcome.
Have a nice evening...