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I know for a fact though he told me the exhaust runs around 1000 degrees....hey it IS a jet engine after all.
That exhaust is the best damn gaint hairdrier in the world.. and a pretty fine rototiller too!
A friend in our club was in the VT guard and still knew some guys up at Bradford (vanilla M1's ) and got us up for what we thought was a ride and photo op.
A chance to drive later... Those things are NOT made for the 6ft4in frame... even with the seat fully reclined I had to tip my head to the side and was STILL hitting the bottom of the bustle. Also I had a little trouble getting my knees under the steering yoke, so when I got the sign for stop it took and extra second and when I pushed hard enough to pop the knee under the bar we stopped quick!! I would have broke some poor TC's ribs if there was anyone up there, or so I was told... ooppsss...
Sure tore up the packed dirt end of the lot too, if only I could get one to come neutral steer on my garden, I'd save all that rototilling.
Anyway it was raining off and on and after everyone was done driving and before they put the tank away, the sgt in charge had us all walk back 15-20 ft and then walk sideways out behind the thing.. whooofff!!! instant dry!
He told us they used to back them up to the chainlink fence until they burned all the paint off the hood and melted a bumper to two on the guy's cars on the other (parking lot) side of the fence!
quite the day up with the guys.
I've got pics and a movie, but no place to host them.