Hi Walter,
I'm no expert - but here's a start for you - using info I have gleaned from others, over the interweb!...
The T-60 and T-70 had 260mm wide track. For the T-70M, the suspension was beefed up a little - so it had thicker wheels and a slightly wider track (300mm). This new track also had an increased pitch - meaning that fewer links were actually required (to cover the same distance). I think it was 80 links per side compared with 91 links per side.I believe that the SU-76M used this latter track.
So, I BELIEVE, that the ATL-55 Friuls are suitable for a T-60/T-70 - and the ATL-96 Friuls are suitable for T-70M and SU-76M.
I've never used these particular tracks myself (too expensive for me!), so I don't know how well they fit the various kits.
There's lots of chat about wheel thicknesses, distance between the wheels, pitch, sprokets, etc on various web forums (you could try here - or maybe Missing-Lynx) - so you need to do a little searching if you want to see what 'the word' is an confirm what I am saying.
Just to confuse matters, I think that MasterClub do three types of track:
135036 - SU-76
135034 - T-40/T-60/T-70
135035 - T-70M
According to a review article by Cookie Sewell, the Miniart T-70M individual link tracks are very nice and very close to the correct width and pitch for the larger T-70M track. He also notes that the wheels are a little skinny and probably reflect the (lesser) wheel thickness of the earlier T-70. Oh well! – you can’t have everything.
For those who dont want to use the 'Rolls Royce' options:
The really cheap option is to use some Techmod tracks - but, clearly, these are not as good in terms of detail and 'heft' - but are a lot cheaper! They are really only suitable for the T-70 (and not the T-70M). The indiviidual link version come in the T-70M box (but are incorrect for this version) - or you can by them seperately. But hold on! - if you're starting with the Miniart kit, there's no advantage in using the Techmod tracks - so you can scrap those last remarks!
Again, for those you (like me) who dont like spending more on tracks than the cost of the kit..
You could perhaps steal the tracks from an Alan Su-76 to use on a T-70M - but they are quite 'chunky'. (Again, I'm not sure about sprocket sizes - you will need to check this out - different pitch tracks will need different pitch sprokets - or, if you want to fudge it, you could cut off the spocket teeth, and the tracks and them glue the teeth back on (gasp!)). Again, in the circumstances, you are probably better off keeping what you have - since I believe that the MiniArt tracks aren't bad.