Yeah, I'm new here but I've been building Dios for a few years. just not the "type" most of you seem to do. Mine are just scenes from my own personal "back in the day."
I found you guys when I realized I'd been working in a sort of vacuum and just picking up methods and techniques as I went along. I went internet searching and that's where I found you.
Only now I've got a new problem. I read Keith Magee's first chapter of "Building a Diorama from Scratch" and learned a great deal from that alone. Then when I read the comments I discovered how long ago it was written and that it seemed to have disappeared before coming to final fruition. I'm hoping that's wrong and I just haven't been able to find the final version or how to get it.
Maybe I'm asking a question you all know the answer to but unless I ask, I'll never know.

Thanks in advance.
By the way, you folks build some mighty nice stuff !!!