hello. here is some advise
to start with, i would put some black card or similar aroun the base so t looks tidier,
also, your barbed wire is a little thick, try using a smaller guage wire,
are you using static grass or a railway scatter for the grass?
instaed of putting down a layer of " brown stuff" (railway scatter again?) i would
suggest pouring plaster onthe area you want to be a road, or muddy road, and whilst wet,
sprinke in little tiny gravvely stones, run a spare wheel or such along th eedges to reproduce a
road that had been driven on a lot e.t.c, maybe if its a country lane, you might want to
reproduce the little grassy verge in the middle,?
your planks are ok, for a starting point, they would look better weathered, and in the first picture,
you can see the (?Glue?) that is fixing the plank to the wire.
im not sure what the orange bits are supposed to be?, are they stones?
i woudl suggest reaserching a couple of pics of the area int he world you are trying to reproduce,
and looking for coulour inspiration, and vegetation reference, .
underneath the green bank, you can clearly see white (?foam?) underneath, i suggest painting the groundwork
before applying your grass/vegetation.
personally i would steer away from litchens, unless you are planning to put some sort of foliage on them,
i reccomend static grass or heki grass mats over railway scatter.
for your figure there are some obvious seam lines and he has a curious ridge on his shoulder. when making figures
make sure to remove all seam lines, and make sure the arms/fegs e.t.c are in the correct position, if there is a little
gap dont be afraid to use some filler.
you didnt specify what advice you wanted so i went for the try to give advise on as much as i can approach.
hope at least soem of this helped