Hi Andrew,
Well you haven't posted up any photos of your earlier work to show your progress, but this is a pretty good job all round. I like the camo scheme a lot. Did you brush-paint the green lines? You're definitely getting the knack of weathering too. And the tyres look great - nicely defined, and no paint-over to or from the wheel rims!
The tank does look a little glossy, but I suspect that's flashback from the camera.
Couple of minor points: The covers on the engine deck might benefit from pin washes where they meet the deck itself to give the whole thing a bit more depth. Ditto the tow cables, they look a little monotone.
The uniforms of the Panzer crew look pretty good - looks like you've done a decent job on the insignia too, although the pics are a tad blurry to see them in detail.
The only thing I'm not so keen on is the faces: The eyes of the guy hanging out of the hatch are too big and deer-in-the-headlamps. But faces are notoriously tricky to get right and I'm sure that with a bit more practice, it'll all fall into place. There are plenty of useful tips about face-painting both here and on the HF forum.
But overall - very nice work, and I hope you'll continue to show us more.
- Steve