What a nice job, I like this style of painting and is not the chalky, chippy, rusty mess that seems to be in fasion now. For the record the artists thaty produce those gems are true's just not my style...this Churchill is.
May I offer my recipe for bullet proof decal application, it seems you had a little silvering on the side decal....
Items Needed:
1. Future (over coat, either airbrushed or brush painted on)
2. Elmers Glue
3. Micro Set
4. Water
After Future has dried for a few hours...a day to be sure.
1. Mix the Elmers' glue with water and a small amount of Micro want the consistency of saliva...take this mixture and paint it onto the decal location.
2. Wet your decal and allow it to soak and seperate from the backer in the palm of you hand.
3. Using a brush, coax the decal off the backer and onto the puddle of elmers/ water/ Micro set.
4. Use the brush to position the decal ot the exact spot needed.
5. Let the decal sit for a few minutes, then use the brush or a q-tip to flatten the decal out and push out any bubbles, etc that can be seen
6. Lightly paint on some Micro Set on to the now flattened decal.
7. Monitor and let dry....after a few hours you can come back and re-wet the surrounding white glue puddle and remove.
8. Over coatt with future, and your done with very slim chance of any silvering.