I think I found what you are after...
Supplied to Russia via Lend Lease:
American vehicles
M3/M3A1 Stuart
M3 Lee
M4A2 Sherman
M3A1 Scout car
M10 Wolverine
M18 Hellcat
M24 Chaffee
M26 Pershing
T-48 Half-track
British vehicles
Churchill Mk. III/IV (6-Pounder)
Matilda Mk. II
Universal Carrier
Valentine Mk. III/IV/IX
Canadian vehicles
Universal Carrier
Valentine Mk. IX/XI
Type Number
Churchill (All armed with 6-pounder gun) 301
Cromwell 6
M10 Wolverine TD 52
M15A1 MGMC 100
M17 MGMC 1.000
M18 Hellcat TD 5
M24 Chaffee 2
M26 Pershing 1
M3 Lee/Grant ("Coffin for 7 brothers") 1.386
M31 ARV (M3 Medium tank chassis) 115
M3A1 "Stuart" light tank 1.676
M4 Sherman (75mm / 76mm) 2.007 / 2.095
M5 Light tank 5
Matilda Mk. II 1.084
T-48 (SU-57) Tank destroyer 650
Tetrarch 20
Valentine Bridgelayer 25
Valentine Mk. III/IV/IX/XI 2.394 (British) 1.388 (Canadian)
The link is below.
http://www.skalman.nu/worldwar2/su-lendlease.htm Shaun