Still looking for interested individuals.
Possible Armor opportunities;
M8 HMC 75mm
105mm M-7
75mm howitzers and crews were to land in LVTs, and the 105s in DUKWs. Both types of weapons were placed in the appropriate vehicles before the expedition sailed. Tanks preloaded in LCMs, and these craft embarked in LSDs.
Dozer Armored and unarmored
Dukw and some with 105mm and A frames
M3 Half-Track Repair
M3 75mm SPM
1st and 2nd Provisional Rocket Company 4.5 inch rocket launchers
6 amphibian tractor battalions, the 2d, 4th, and 10th, Marine and the 534th, 715th, and 773d, Army
LVT 2 Doodlebug (Ramp)
LVT 4 Loaded jeep and 105mm How
LVT (A) 2
LVT (A) 1
LVT (A) 4
M4A2 USMC 4th Tank Battalion, 2nd Marine Tank Battalion
M4 (Composite) 706th Tank Battalion
Flamethrower Cart
37mm Anti-tank
Japanese Truck
Type 2 Ka-Mi Japanese Amphib Tank SNLF Japanese Marines
Type 97 Chi-Ha 5th Company 9th Tank Reg
Type 97-kai Shinhoto Chi-Ha
Type 94 Chi-Ro
Type 95 Ha-Go 4th Company 9th tank reg
75mm Pack How
M1 155mm How
M3A1 Stuart Satan 2nd Marine tank Battalion
M5A1 Stuart 4th Marine Tank Battalion and US Army 762nd Tank Battalion
If interested Please go to
Campaign in the Marianas