Cold War Cook Off is a Campaign...
A Campaign is (and I quote):
"Welcome to Campaign Headquarters!
From this location you can keep track of all the available group builds currently going on with our members. We have used the term campaign, rather than group build, because we want to encourage users both to start and finish their group projects. To further encourage this each user who completes a campaign will recieve a campaign ribbon. Each ribbon is unique and will display on your profile page and up to five will appear with your other rank/user info in the forums. If you are interested in starting a Campaign please read the Guidelines for Starting Campaigns."
For more info see- that's what the Cold War Cook Off is; A Campaign. It's a good way to "meet" other modelers, work towards a goal wih a group of modelers with similar interests, etc.
For more details on the Coold War Cook Off see: in all it is a good time!