Another Sherman III (from DML)
Provincia de Lugo, Spain / Espaņa
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Posted: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 10:22 PM UTC
No, your eyes are NOT deceiving you. This is the second Sherman III in the Direct-Vision configuration in 48 hours...
Dragon Models have just announced:
6527 - Sherman III DV (Initial Production). Initial images can be seen:
Link to ItemIf you have comments or questions please post them here.

New South Wales, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 11:07 PM UTC
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No, your eyes are NOT deceiving you. This is the second Sherman III in the Direct-Vision configuration in 48 hours... Dragon Models have just announced: 6527 - Sherman III DV (Initial Production). Initial images can be seen:
Link to Item
If you have comments or questions please post them here.

It looks great and will be welcomed alongside the Tasca one in my collection. DML have listened about the 50 Cal but I should point out that the period weapons had the samller Ammo cans in NA. Regardless this is a great release and really looks good from the pictures.
This one is on my multiple purchase list. Is this at long last the perfect OOB Sherman? Given the PTO M4 i really wonder what the smoke in their lunch breaks at DML but this seems to have escaped that mediocrity.
Good news
Hunan, China / 简体
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Posted: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - 11:44 PM UTC
Differ from Tasca~ DML one with cast hull antenna base and bow gun mount. Tasca one with roll plate base and bow gun mount. The .50 mount is the late type maybe better than nothing, but still useless for this model. Will go for tasca one. Recent DML 6441 really dispointted me....
California, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 01:44 AM UTC
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Is this at long last the perfect OOB Sherman? Given the PTO M4 i really wonder what the smoke in their lunch breaks at DML but this seems to have escaped that mediocrity.
This is just the test shot, Al. I doubt DML will repeat the M4 Composite PTO fiasco, but I recommend letting someone else buy the first copy.
I am very excited with this and the Tasca offering, as the Sherman III wore so many colorful camouflage and marking schemes. Even if mounting the wrong can, the .50cal improves the kit. I would rather swap a part than replace it outright.
England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 04:37 AM UTC
Well this is excellent news more choice
The kit look grand, my how things have change in a short time Mk II DVs and Mk IIIDVs it's just brillient.
Maybe even get a crew or two from them too!
I will wait for the reviews though to make sure it has the correct parts!!
'Action this Day'
Winston Spencer Churchill
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Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 05:14 AM UTC
Could you enlighten me on the DML M4 PTO fiasco? I assume you are referring to Kit 6441?
This is just the test shot, Al. I doubt DML will repeat the M4 PTO fiasco, but I recommend letting someone else buy the first copy.
Provincia de Lugo, Spain / Espaņa
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Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 05:35 AM UTC
Bayern, Germany
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Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 05:56 AM UTC
Looks to me like a promising model. I love the inclusion of PE fenders and the level of detail seems good to. One thing I can't quite understand is the new DS tracks. Right now this seems to be the only draw back I can spot on this kit that is, if separate Magic Tracks aren't included.
Another thing that pleases me is to see Dragon actually releasing a picture that is not CAD. A real life image of the model is just a whole lot more appealing in my opinion. I might just pick this one up after reading some positive reviews.
New South Wales, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 10:09 AM UTC
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Looks to me like a promising model. I love the inclusion of PE fenders and the level of detail seems good to. One thing I can't quite understand is the new DS tracks. Right now this seems to be the only draw back I can spot on this kit that is, if separate Magic Tracks aren't included.
Another thing that pleases me is to see Dragon actually releasing a picture that is not CAD. A real life image of the model is just a whole lot more appealing in my opinion. I might just pick this one up after reading some positive reviews.
I for one think the DS track as supplied is far superior to individual links for Sherman Track. Just my opinion but the only better solution would be link and length. It is very hard and frustrating to get the sag out of individual links on Shermans to get the correct "Live" track look.
A good year for the Shermaholic. I wonder what lower hull they will use? Maybe the imbecilic blogging man can let us know- after all he proved to be such a font of knowledge (if you count having no idea as knowledge) on the M4A1 DV.
2009- year of the Shermaholic
Bayern, Germany
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Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 10:30 AM UTC
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I for one think the DS track as supplied is far superior to individual links for Sherman Track. Just my opinion but the only better solution would be link and length. It is very hard and frustrating to get the sag out of individual links on Shermans to get the correct "Live" track look.
Now that you mention it, you may very well be right. I've never built a sherman before so I wouldn't really know. I just think that it is hard to improve on something like Magic Tracks but what might work better for Tigers and most other tanks doesn't necessarily work for shermans and vise versa.
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Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 01:06 PM UTC
Sherman track is meant to be tight and have little or no sag. Having built quite a bit of aftermarket stuff for Shermans, if you really must go link by link, you can use AFV club, or Panda, or if you are a real masochist, Modelkasten. The AFV club and Panda tracks are semi-workable and generally fit well, but the D/S stuff seems to have been designed for Shermans. The detail is as good as most link by link, and it a whole lot simpler to use.
California, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 - 06:10 PM UTC
The current crop of DS tracks look excellent on live track vehicles like the Sherman. They feature very clean molding, almost no cleanup, low springiness, show air between the pads, glue with normal liquid model cement, and take enamels and acrylics with equal ease. Correctly built individual link track will always provide the most accurate look, but the DS tracks are really, really good (for live track vehicles). At this point I prefer the DS track for Shermans because they save a huge amount of time and effort.
I expect DML will check everything twice after the M4 Composite PTO fiasco and this kit will include the correct lower hull. I hope the price point bucks the trend and comes in around $40US. Ditto for Tasco Sherman III.
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Posted: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 - 05:44 PM UTC
i just ordered this kit along with the tasca firely for 69$ in total, a deal isnt it! will be looking foward to the kit.
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Posted: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 - 11:56 AM UTC
does anyone know when this is coming out?
United States
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Posted: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 - 12:39 PM UTC
I found one site that says June 23rd. Who knows if that's true, though. I'm anxiously waiting for it to arrive too.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 - 01:07 PM UTC
Am I correct,that neither DML or Tasca make an M4A3 ?? if not why not that common variant yet ?? Isnt the old venerable Tamiya kit getting a little old ??
Pennsylvania, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 - 01:14 PM UTC
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Am I correct,that neither DML or Tasca make an M4A3 ?? if not why not that common variant yet ?? Isnt the old venerable Tamiya kit getting a little old ??
Wrong M4A3. DML has made a number of
large hatch M4A3s, in fact their first Sherman was one. (This is the Tamiya kit.) No one except for MP Models has even tried to make a
small hatch M4A3 in plastic.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 - 01:19 PM UTC
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Am I correct,that neither DML or Tasca make an M4A3 ?? if not why not that common variant yet ?? Isnt the old venerable Tamiya kit getting a little old ??
Wrong M4A3. DML has made a number of large hatch M4A3s, in fact their first Sherman was one. (This is the Tamiya kit.) No one except for MP Models has even tried to make a small hatch M4A3 in plastic.
Well thank you for your reply,but I was asking a question,not making a statement,so I don't think I was WRONG about anything.
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Posted: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 - 01:30 PM UTC
anthony do you mean the 1/35 75mm m4a3 ? becuase tamiya has only a 1/35 m4 early, m4a3 75mm , m4a3 105mm and thats about it. i think dragon has only 76 mm m4a3s
New South Wales, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 - 01:34 PM UTC
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Am I correct,that neither DML or Tasca make an M4A3 ?? if not why not that common variant yet ?? Isnt the old venerable Tamiya kit getting a little old ??
Wrong M4A3. DML has made a number of large hatch M4A3s, in fact their first Sherman was one. (This is the Tamiya kit.) No one except for MP Models has even tried to make a small hatch M4A3 in plastic.
Kurt, DML's first Sherman was actually the M4a4 Firefly and M4A4 (1995) which predated the DML modifications of the old Italeri M4A3 76's in WW2 and Korean flavours. They have yet to offer a plain Jane M4A3 (W) 75 but have all the parts (if they remember to put them in the box) for such a kit.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 - 01:47 PM UTC
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anthony do you mean the 1/35 75mm m4a3 ? becuase tamiya has only a 1/35 m4 early, m4a3 75mm , m4a3 105mm and thats about it. i think dragon has only 76 mm m4a3s
Yes Calvin the 75mm is what I had in mind,I figure to make one of them into Odball's sherman,but was hoping for a DML or Tasca with newer molding and details.To buy the Tamiya and to invest in a Formations conversion was a lot of $$
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Posted: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 - 02:27 PM UTC
yea anthony i feel your pain, i have the tamiya 1/35 scale m4a3 75mm and 105 mm, and i have to replace the suspenion, make weld beads, texture the tranny cover, and the bulge in the turret, not to mention the overly thick parts that need p.e etc. etc. etc. not only money , but alot of time. it takes away the enjoyment in the hobby as well.
Florida, United States
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Posted: Thursday, June 11, 2009 - 12:48 AM UTC
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Am I correct,that neither DML or Tasca make an M4A3 ?? if not why not that common variant yet ?? Isnt the old venerable Tamiya kit getting a little old ??
Well, here's a possible answer.
Dragon appears to have adopted a marketing strategy of spreading out the popular M4 variants and filling in between these releases with less popular Sherman subtypes to get the most use out of their mold investment. Discussing the current range of Shermans rather the the less accurate items from the 1990's, we got the 76 mm Shermans right away, but Dragon took a very long time to get out a plain, vanilla M4 (the current "Normandy" kit), which is probably the most versatile Sherman kit they have ever offered, since with minor tweaks and using optional parts in the box, one can depict a tank from almost any campaign from Italy through the end of the war. But we had to wait for the diesel engined versions to be issued first. We finally got the direct vision M4A1 kits, but now we are getting a round of direct vision diesel M4A2's instead of a direct vision M4. And while they must be aware that an M4A3E2 Jumbo would be an absolutely huge seller, they are taking their sweet time before offering one (though I suspect it is on the horizon).
As for your M4A3 (75) wet stowage Sherman (currently offered in aging Tamiya and Italeri versions), Dragon has done all the tooling already--they just haven't put it all in one box yet. If you buy the late M4A2 (75) PTO kit, and the Premium M4A3 (76) kit, you can just swap the turrets, and have a stock US M4A3 for mid 1944, and a stock Soviet M4A2 (76) for the same period. You'll need to find your own markings, of course.
Dublin, Ireland
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Posted: Thursday, June 11, 2009 - 01:03 AM UTC
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yea anthony i feel your pain, i have the tamiya 1/35 scale m4a3 75mm and 105 mm, and i have to replace the suspenion, make weld beads, texture the tranny cover, and the bulge in the turret, not to mention the overly thick parts that need p.e etc. etc. etc. not only money , but alot of time. it takes away the enjoyment in the hobby as well.
I dunno.. for many of us doing those things adds to the enjoyment.
work to become not to acquire
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Thursday, June 11, 2009 - 04:15 AM UTC
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yea anthony i feel your pain, i have the tamiya 1/35 scale m4a3 75mm and 105 mm, and i have to replace the suspenion, make weld beads, texture the tranny cover, and the bulge in the turret, not to mention the overly thick parts that need p.e etc. etc. etc. not only money , but alot of time. it takes away the enjoyment in the hobby as well.
I dunno.. for many of us doing those things adds to the enjoyment.
Pat,I definitly respect what you guys do,but I am an out of box guy,thats all I can barely handle right now,