I'm stumped. In my Information Officer role I sometimes get tricky questions. But this one is r-e-a-l-l-y hard for me! See below:
Good morning Chris,I am hoping you can help me or guide me in the right direction.I have been given a couple of vehicles to build for a friend's uncle and they are the Pig and the FV432 by Accurate Armour. What I am looking for is for the Pig I need RCT insignia and Brigade insignia images for service in Londonderry in 1976. Now I believe that the vehicles didn't carry insignia, so I can only assume that its to be put on as the gent served there. For the FV432 I am looking for images of the Royal Artillery Tac sign and the Battery insignia for 19 Gibraltar Battery, 24 Missile Regiment. I tried the guys at my local club in Glasgow but they were unable to help,hope you can,thanks,Gordon Mitchell
Can anyone help me out with information? I'm out of my depth with this one!
Chris Lloyd-Staples