Modelling Videos (Youtube)
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, June 04, 2009 - 06:50 AM UTC
Hello everyone,
I have been spending some of my modelling time creating some videos based on different methods I've used to achieve different effects, and I've put them on YouTube.
Some of them may be irrelevant to you, such as the one on simple washes, but others may interest you and perhaps persuade you to try out something a little different such as the oil paint weathering video. Perhaps you would just like to laugh at my brummie accent??
Either way, I would like to invite you all to take a look and let me know what you think. So far I have just four videos on there, mainly focused on weathering ideas, but I will add more as I make more so please, if you're into YouTube at all, feel free to subscribe and/or comment on what you see.
My youtube channel can be found here
ScaleModelMedic Thanks very much for taking time to look!
Jon Hayward
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, June 04, 2009 - 07:01 AM UTC
Sorry forgot to add an example of what kind of things I've been doing...
M2A1 halftrack before oil weathering:

After oil weathering:

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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, June 04, 2009 - 07:27 AM UTC
Hi Jon, I just sat through and watched the video, it is very helpfull thankyou very much,
One question the first video, is that oil paint or buff?
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, June 04, 2009 - 07:44 AM UTC
hi thanks a lot Martyn,
the buff colour used to weather the halftrack is Oils.
Buff acrylic would dry too fast to be workable like the oil paint is.
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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, June 04, 2009 - 08:14 AM UTC
hey Jon,
good vids, what gets me on weathering OD no2, is the layers of varnish with an airbrush, i strictly BP a tthe moment, could i try it in a way of being more refined, so as not to damage the previous coat?
also, what colours should i use to make buff, i have a basic primary colours set of oils. thanks for your helpful videos, i have been plannign to make some myself!
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, June 04, 2009 - 08:27 AM UTC
hi James
you could brush paint the vallejo varnish over the oils as it is acrylic.
The acrylic varnish should go right over the top without touching the oils at all. If you were to use an enamel type varnish it would interfere with the oil paints but any acrylic brand should be fine.
Naturally I would test it on some scrap first

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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, June 04, 2009 - 08:44 AM UTC
hey Jon, i paint thinly, but, i still can only really use 3-4 layers,
that inclued basecoat and the coat if the basecoat dosent cover.
plus i dont future, i usually try to aviod decals, last time i used them, i found out that you cant just varnish where you want the decals to go

im not a big fan of the rattle can, but i may have to get a gloss and a matte to sort this out hmm
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, June 04, 2009 - 07:47 PM UTC
hi James,
when it comes to your situation with having no airbrush, it is simply a matter of experimenting to find what is right for your setup.
The oil layers will still work, you would just divide the layers differently to me - whether thats by brushpainting some thinned acrylic varnish over the oils, or by using a rattle can of acrylic varnish.
Either way the principle is still the same, by having
------- acrylic varnish
oil weathering
------acrylic varnish
oil weathering
-----acrylic varnish
acrylic basecoat
layers like that, you will be able to add more oils over the top to keep building up layers.
Sure, with an airbrush you can get the coats nice and thin and even, but you could do the same with a rattle can if you're careful (do make sure it's acrylic varnish though) and it would still allow you to add more oils.
The only thing the acrylic varnish is doing is adding a layer over the top of the previous oil weathering to stop your new washes running the paint. How you achieve this mate is irrelevant as long as it works !!
Experimentation is half the fun
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Thursday, June 04, 2009 - 08:04 PM UTC
Very Cool Videos ! Informative, I learn somthing new every day. Thanks for sharing your work and techniques.

Virginia, United States
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Posted: Friday, June 05, 2009 - 05:47 AM UTC
Jon- great videos!
Thanks very much
DJ Judge
"Tanker Boots do not a Tanker Make."
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, June 05, 2009 - 05:54 AM UTC
thanks guys, and to all of you who viewed and subscribed... a big thanks. It is nerve wracking putting yourself in a position whereby your methods are watched by others... not everyone may agree, and I do not want to seem that I'm telling anyone my method is best or I do it better than anyone.
If anyone takes even one small piece and thinks "I'll try it" then I would be happy to know I've put something back into the modelling community.
thanks again
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, June 05, 2009 - 11:13 AM UTC
Thanks for answering my question Jon.
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, June 05, 2009 - 08:50 PM UTC
no problem mate
I see you are from the west midlands also ! The accent on the videos must not be too bad for you to listen to then I am guessing??
I am from willenhall but live near Dudley. What part of the west mids are you from?
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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, June 05, 2009 - 11:21 PM UTC
Hi Jon,
Just watched your videos too, it's great to see someone doing this stuff "live" rather than from a series of photos in a book. I love the Japanese "how to" videos, but they could do with English subtitles on them. I've subscribed to yours and can't wait for the next ones to appear.
I have a question for you, if you don't mind. Do you let the oil paints dry completely before you coat them in Future? On the few occasions I've used oils they have taken about a week to dry.
(All the way from rainy Worcester)
P.S. What accent??
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, June 06, 2009 - 03:09 AM UTC
Hi Andy
I am from Willenhall originally so I guess my accent isn't too bad

I do let the oils dry completely. When they are streaked so heavily using white spirit they are very thin and dry very fast. The whole Halftrack video on oil weathering was shot in a matter of hours rather than days. To speed up the drying I do use a heat tool, kind of like a heat gun but for heat embossing powders (I pinched it off my mrs).
I use Windsor & Newton oils and B&Q white spirit - no fancy quick drying stuff. The heavy dilutions of white spirit should cut drying time drastically.
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Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, June 06, 2009 - 02:30 PM UTC
great vedeos john
i found them very usefull
please keep making more
regards andrew
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, June 07, 2009 - 12:23 AM UTC
really enjoyed the from sunny wombourne same as james and martyn crowther but i hail originally from pensnett not far from dudley
Wisconsin, United States
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Posted: Sunday, June 07, 2009 - 12:32 AM UTC
These are really well done. The narratives are clear and concise, and the lighting and video clarity is first rate. Obviously a lot time and prep work has been put into these to get the caliber of presentations that you've achieved here. Clever name on the link also. Nicely done sir.
Editor-in-ChiefEngland - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, June 07, 2009 - 01:28 AM UTC
The one I watched was very well done with a very professional look about it. I do have some suggestions to broaden its appeal though; perhaps have scrolling text across the bottom such as you have but explaining what you are doing, this would be of benefit to the deaf/hard of hearing. You made reference to accent which is an aspect that would also be overcome with scrolling text should it exist. I did find the music a little loud when compared to the oratory, but that is a matter of taste.
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, June 07, 2009 - 07:08 AM UTC
Hi Darren
Thanks for the suggestions. Text "subtitles" may indeed be something I could add. I have considered referencing materials and such at the bottom with colour numbers, so perhaps I could broaden this to include full dialogue. Thank you for taking time to input your ideas.
I was in Wombourne last night funnily enough

stalking you perhaps??

me and my mrs have friends who live over there.
Is there a modelling club for you guys? I am looking for a club or something similar, as I have no modelling contact but the internet.
Everyone else,
thanks for your reassuring and humbling comments. I hope you continue to enjoy what I put together on the channel. For all you guys who subscribed, thank you very much for feeling that my channel is worth keeping watch on ! If you know anyone who might enjoy it, spread the word! the more the merrier!
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Ohio, United States
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Posted: Sunday, June 07, 2009 - 07:56 AM UTC
Hello John,
Thank you for posting the videos. There were extremely informative to me. I am the kind of person who can read about something in a book but have trouble translating it to real world use. Your videos have helped me understand a great deal about the oil washes and weathering. I hope you can continue your series, I would certainly like to learn ,and do ever have alot, more to learn!
So will you post more video links here or how can I learn when you make new videos?
Thank you again for this great series!
Best Wishes,
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
Joined: February 16, 2009
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Posted: Sunday, June 07, 2009 - 09:02 AM UTC
yes mate there is a model club in wombourne,i didn't know about it until james and martyn introduced me to it..they meet every first sure james or martyn will give you the full details..ive only been once unfortunately i have to fit it in between work and rugby!!
England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, June 07, 2009 - 10:06 AM UTC
Sure I will post links when I do more videos. In the meantime, if you sign up for a youtube Account you can Subscribe to the videos which I believe will inform you every time I add something.
There are many more videos to come. I have only just today fixed a major issue with my airbrush that has been holding up my modelling (serious problem has developed in the body to nozzle connection on my Iwata) but now this is resolved business can resume as before.
I would love to hear about this club... perhaps some human contact would silence the voices in my head at the bench

rugby is a worthwhile pursuit however. I haven't played since school but I can't remember a better way to spend a frosty saturday morning than crushing rival schools into the frozen mud
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England - West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, June 12, 2009 - 10:45 AM UTC
big game tomorrow jon..13.06.2009..wolverhampton warlords(my team)..against redditch hilton road,just off the birmingham new road...1.00 clock..13.00 hours kick off...see if you can make playin number 11..or 12..second row...
ConsigliereFlorida, United States
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Posted: Friday, June 12, 2009 - 06:59 PM UTC
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Few things are harder to put up with than a good example.- Mark Twain
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